Message from the Group Chairman

"At EABL, we are committed to nurturing a pipeline of women leaders through targeted development programs, mentorship initiatives, and policies that promote work-life balance and equal opportunities"
We made the commitment to report transparently and openly on our progress against our Sustainability Strategic Action Plan, ‘Spirit of Progress’, and in that regard, I am honoured to present our fourth Annual Sustainability Report.

‘Spirit of Progress’ is our ten-year action plan towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our company, with our communities and business partners, and for society.

According to the UNDP 2023 Africa Sustainable Development Report, last year, 2023, was a defining year, marking the midpoint for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the evaluation of the first 10-year implementation plan of Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want, of the African Union.

As we reflected on our journey towards sustainable development in East Africa in 2023, it became evident that while progress has been made, significant challenges persist in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In our market, the pursuit of SDGs faces multifaceted challenges. Economic disparities, inadequate infrastructure, and climate change vulnerabilities are among the prominent hurdles.

The UNDP 2023 Africa Sustainable Development Report highlights that the percentage of people living in extreme poverty is projected to rise until 2030. Already, some 20 per cent of the population of Africa is classified as food insecure, while some 54 per cent of Africans lack basic sanitation services.

Furthermore, the challenges faced by Africa in recent years have exacerbated wealth and gender inequalities and deepened rural-urban disparities in income. Amidst these challenges, businesses play a pivotal role as catalysts for sustainable development. At EABL, we recognize that our operations must not only strive for profitability but also contribute positively to society and the environment.

By aligning our strategies with the SDGs, we leverage our resources to address pressing societal needs such as poverty alleviation, reducing gender inequalities, and climate action.

Inclusion and Diversity: A Cornerstone of Our Strategy

Inclusion and diversity are foundational to our business strategy. We believe that a diverse workforce and an inclusive workplace culture drive innovation, enhance decision-making, and ultimately lead to better business outcomes. By embracing diversity of thought, background, and experience, we foster creativity and empathy within our teams, enabling us to better understand and meet the needs of our diverse customer base.

Moreover, fostering an inclusive workplace is not just the right thing to do—it’s also a strategic imperative. Research consistently shows that diverse teams outperform homogeneous ones, particularly when it comes to problem-solving and innovation. By attracting and retaining talent from varied backgrounds, we strengthen our ability to adapt to market changes and capitalise on emerging opportunities.

I am personally proud of the fact that our Board is made up of 42% women.

Women bring unique perspectives, skills, and experiences to leadership roles that complement those traditionally represented. At EABL we are committed to nurturing a pipeline of women leaders through targeted development programs, mentorship initiatives, and policies that promote work-life balance and equal opportunities.

By actively supporting women in leadership, we not only strengthen our organisational resilience but also contribute to broader societal goals of gender equality and inclusive economic growth.

The operating environment in our region continues to evolve, presenting a dynamic landscape that demands both resilience and innovation from businesses like ours. We certainly are up to the challenge. As we navigate the complexities of the East African operating environment and pursue our sustainability goals, we remain committed to driving positive change through inclusive practices and by aligning our business strategies with the SDGs. Together with our stakeholders, we aspire to build a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable future for all.

Dear stakeholders, we invite you to delve into the achievements, challenges, and impact of our sustainability initiatives. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive for continuous improvement and transparency in our sustainability journey. Together, let us engage in meaningful dialogue to shape a more sustainable future for our communities. We look forward to hearing your insights and perspectives.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership in our sustainability journey.