Nandi Hills area, West of the Great Rift Valley


Our People

Eastern Produce Kenya (EPK), would not exist without our people. Our staff play an integral role in the daily operations of the organisation, making sure we’re delivering on our promise. As such, the company holds its employees in high esteem, an invaluable asset and strives to create a positive work environment where they can thrive and grow. The company make provisions for housing, healthcare, education, and food security


EPK provides free housing to all employees and their dependents

EPK provides free housing to all employees and their dependents, which are organised into villages with each village having 40 to 80 houses. Each village is led by a headman employed by the company, and he is in charge of the general housekeeping and security of the village. All villages are provided with portable water, waste management and sanitation facilities. There are a total of 103 villages with 5,000 plus houses.

Food security

EPK has initiated Kitchen garden program for employees

The company has initiated a kitchen garden program for employees. Under the program, each employee is encouraged to cultivate the area around their house and plant vegetables. Employees are trained on how to grow these vegetables organically. This program supplements the ongoing provision of food staples by the company to employees, where EPK buys maize in bulk when prices are low and sells to employees at the same price when maize is scarce cushioning them from inflated prices charged by maize vendors.

Healthcare provision

EPK has established Dispensaries on all estates to provide medical services

The company prioritises the health and safety of its employees by implementing strict safety protocols, providing necessary protective equipment, and promoting a culture of wellness in the workplace. EPK has also established dispensaries on all estates to provide medical services and care to all employees, their dependents and other people from the surrounding areas. These facilities are staffed with qualified medical personnel and services are free to employees and their dependents.


EPK provides support through scholarships, bursaries, and stipends

The company has invested in training programs to help employees develop their skills and advance their careers. To ensure that all children of school-going age are in class, EPK provides support through scholarships, bursaries, and stipends, and provides funds to establish and improve schools’ infrastructure located within its estates. This enables children of employees, dependents and surrounding communities to attend school. This is in line with EPK’s strict code of not using child labour in its operations.


Community Impact

HER Health Program

The company has a health program called ‘HER Health Program’ which raises awareness on critical health topics such as healthy eating, personal and menstrual hygiene, and maternal health. This program also addresses health-related behaviours such as disease testing, seeking out preventative care, and conducting breast self-examinations. Additionally, the program addresses common myths and misconceptions around potentially harmful health practices and beliefs, as well as building confidence and communication skills around discussing important health issues at work and home.

Shujaa Positive Program

This program cultivates open, caring, and trusting relationships between parents and their children. It helps parents raise their children well and protect them against a variety of negative health and social outcomes, teaches children responsible behaviour and assists them towards attaining their set goals.

Baby Nursing Units

At EPK, we support and raise awareness of breastfeeding through regular training on lactation and the establishment of nursing units in our operations.


Tabasamu: A menstrual health & hygiene program

Through Tabasamu, EPK continues to step up action and investment in menstrual health and hygiene in and around our community to help fight period poverty and the stigma surrounding menstruation.

ETI Base code

ETI Base code: Supervisors Training, conducted in partnership with Twinings

EPK has partnered with Twinings UK to carry out training for supervisors on ETI Base Code. This is to help raise awareness of implementing anti-discriminatory and anti-harassment policies in the workplace.

Gender Office

The gender office provides a conducive work environment to the trained officers handling Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases as well as ensures that victims of GBV are empowered to report cases of abuse.