Nandi Hills area, West of the Great Rift Valley

Natural Resources

By the very nature of our business, we are long-term custodians of the natural resources under our stewardship.

To help preserve and enhance our natural environment, we employ relevant programs to reduce energy use as well as focus on the key elements of sustainable tea production, soil structure, water conservation and promoting biodiversity.

We recognize that both tea and commercial forestry are managed monocrops. Hence, we have set aside over 2,000 hectares of the land entrusted to us for the preservation of biodiversity and our natural flora and fauna.

Climate Action

Our aim is to sustain a high-quality agricultural resource which is not just well-managed, but also viable in the long-term for the benefit of future generations. Consequently, we manage the natural resources entrusted to us in a manner that reflects this philosophy.

Working closely with trusted third parties, EPK conducts various audits and assessments of its environmental footprint as well as training our staff in key issues.

In supporting environmental sustainability and biodiversity our summary code of practice is to;

  1. Comply with all environmental legislation. Assess the main environmental impacts of our business activities.
  2. Establish programmes and operational controls to minimize environmental impacts identified in each of our businesses.
  3. Provide appropriate training to our employees and other relevant stakeholders.
  4. Maintain and enrich the natural resources entrusted to us.

Carbon Emissions

Since 2013, EPK has measured carbon emissions, partnering with the UK’s Carbon Trust since 2016 to document Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Through better resource management, investments, and staff training, we’ve halved our carbon intensity.

In recent years, we’ve also tracked Scope 3 emissions for annual reporting. Energy efficiency is critical, and our audits and staff training help us reduce usage continuously.