Medical Term |
Its meaning |
Endometrium |
The tissue that lines the inside of the uterus or womb |
Retrograde menstruation |
When a woman’s menstrual blood flows back into her body (instead of out) during her menses or period. |
Cyclic inflammation |
Regularly repeated, e.g. monthly |
Reproductive capacity |
In this context, the ability to bear children |
Laparoscopy |
A type of surgery that uses smaller than usual cuts in which a laparoscope (a thin tube that has a camera and light at its end) is inserted through the abdominal wall to view the organs in the abdomen or allow for small-scale surgery.
Endometrial lesions |
A lesion is any damage or abnormal change in the tissue of an organism, usually caused by disease or trauma. An endometrial lesion will therefore occur where there is endometrial tissue |
Uterine Polyps |
A polyp is an abnormal, growth or mass of tissue protruding from a mucous membrane. |
Ovulatory dysfunction |
Ovulation is the releasing of the egg from the ovary so that the egg can be fertilized by the sperm. Ovulatory dysfunction is when there is a problem with this process. |